Recommending a Device from Device Selection Matrix

Once the device selection matrix file is uploaded, if any device needs to be replaced, the Cartos application will auto-recommend an appropriate replacement device. Also, a device can be replaced with an existing or a new device manually.

Auto recommending a Device from Device Selection Matrix

To auto-recommend a device from the device selection matrix list:

Go to Transition state and select device(s) and choose Replace outcome.
Cartos automatically recommends the suitable replacement device from the device selection matrix list along with a device recommendation successful message. The auto-recommended device details are auto-saved and are displayed in the Asset Property window as shown in the below image.


Recommending a Device Manually from Device Selection Matrix

If users are not satisfied with the recommended device from DSM, they can manually recommend a device. To manually recommend a device from the device selection matrix list:

  1. Go to Transition state and select device(s) and choose Replace outcome.
    The Asset Property window displays the properties of the replacing device.
  2. From the Asset Property window, click the Remove Recommendation icon resetAutoRecommendationto remove the auto-recommendation.
  3. Assign properties manually to this unknown device using any one of the methods suggested for assigning properties to a device. For more information, see assigning properties to real devices.

If Fleet Designers want to go back to auto recommendation mode, they can click on Suggest a Device icon dsmSuggestaDevice from the Asset Property Window. The recommended device properties will be displayed in the Asset Property window and auto saved.


📓 - Verify if the recommended device band details are accurate in the device selection matrix report.

The below table provides various conditions of device selection matrix:

Scenarios Message Displayed
Recommended device is available in device selection matrix. “Asset(s) recommendation completed”
Recommended device is not available in device selection matrix. “We did not find any recommended asset in device selection matrix”

Recommended device is available in device selection matrix, but the device information is not available. “We found the recommended device but did not find any information about the recommended device in our system”
Recommended device does not belong to the current country which is displayed in the breadcrumb. "This device is unsupported in current country"